2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
Section 8: Triggering
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
Remote digital I/O commands
Commands for both SCPI and TSP are summarized in the following table. You can use the digital I/O
port to do the following actions:
Perform basic steady-state digital I/O operations, such as reading and writing to individual I/O
lines or reading and writing to the entire port
Trigger the instrument when external trigger pulses are applied to the digital I/O port
Provide trigger pulses to external devices
SCPI command
TSP command
This command sets the mode of the digital I/O line to
be a digital line, trigger line, or synchronous line and
sets the line to be input, output, or open-drain.
(on page 14-52)
A line reset is not available in SCPI; however, the line is
reset when a global reset (
) is sent
This command resets digital I/O line values to their
factory defaults.
(on page 12-26)
This command sets a digital I/O line high or low when
the line is set for digital control and returns the state
on the digital I/O lines.
(on page 14-55)
(on page 12-27)
This command reads the digital I/O port. All six lines
must be configured as digital control lines. If not, this
command generates an error.
(on page 14-55)
This command writes to all digital I/O lines. All six
lines must be configured as digital control lines. If not,
this command generates an error.
(on page 14-56)
(on page 12-171)
This command clears the trigger event on a digital
input line.
(on page 14-198)
(on page 12-171)
This command sets the edge used by the trigger
event detector on the given trigger line.
(on page 14-199)
(on page 12-172)
This command returns the event detector overrun
(on page 14-200)
Not available in SCPI
This command waits for a trigger.
(on page 14-200)
Not available in SCPI
This command asserts a trigger pulse on one of the
digital I/O lines.
(on page 14-201)
(on page 12-173)
This command sets the output logic of the trigger
event generator to positive or negative for the
specified line.
(on page 14-202)