Section 4: Sourcing and measuring
2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
Storing configuration index 4
Use one of the following methods to:
Set the instrument source level to 5.0 V
Store all active source settings to
as configuration index 4 by appending to the
end of the list
Using SCPI commands:
:SOURce:VOLTage:LEVel 5
:SOURce:CONF:LIST:STORe "MySourceList"
Using TSP commands:
smu.source.level = 5"MySourceList")
The following figure shows the active state of the instrument after you change the source level to
Instrument settings stored in a source configuration list
(on page 4-88) for a complete
list of source settings that the instrument stores in a source configuration list.
Figure 86: Example configuration point 4