RX610 Group
27. Data Flash (Flash Memory for Data Storage)
R01UH0032EJ0120 Rev.1.20
Page 918 of 1006
Feb 20, 2013
FENTRYD Bit (Data Flash P/E Mode Entry)
The FENTRYD bit is used to place the data flash in P/E mode.
[Writing-enable conditions (when all of the following conditions are met)]
On-chip ROM is enabled.
The FRDY bit in FSTATR0 is set to 1
AAh is written to the FEKEY[7:0] bits in word access.
[Setting condition]
When the writing-enable conditions are met, FENTRYR is set to 0000h, and 1 is written to the FENTRYD bit
[Clearing conditions]
Data is written in byte access.
Data is written in word access when the FEKEY[7:0] bits are other than AAh.
When the writing-enable conditions are met, 0 is written to the FENTRYD bit.
When the writing-enable conditions are met and FENTRYR is other than 0000h, data is written to FENTRYR.
FEKEY[7:0] Bits (Key Code)
These bits enable or disable rewriting of the FENTRYD, FENTRY1 and FENTRY0 bits.
Data written to the FEKEY[7:0] bits is not retained.