RX610 Group
22. I
C Bus Interface (RIIC)
R01UH0032EJ0120 Rev.1.20
Page 711 of 1006
Feb 20, 2013
SPIE Bit (Stop Condition Detection Interrupt Enable)
This bit is used to enable or disable stop condition detection interrupt requests (SPI) when the STOP flag in ICSR2 is set
to 1. An SPI interrupt request is canceled by clearing the STOP flag or the SPIE bit to 0.
NAKIE Bit (NACK Reception Interrupt Enable)
This bit is used to enable or disable NACK reception interrupt requests (NAKI) when the NACKF flag in ICSR2 is set to
1. An NAKI interrupt request is canceled by clearing the NACKF flag or the NAKIE bit to 0.
RIE Bit (Receive Data Full Interrupt Enable)
This bit is used to enable or disable receive data full interrupt requests (ICRXI) when the RDRF flag in ICSR2 is set to 1.
TEIE Bit (Transmit End Interrupt Enable)
This bit is used to enable or disable transmit end interrupts (ICTEI) when the TDRE flag in ICSR2 is set to 1. An ICTEI
interrupt request is canceled by clearing the TEND flag or the TEIE bit to 0.
TIE Bit (Transmit Data Empty Interrupt Enable)
This bit is used to enable or disable transmit data empty interrupts (ICTXI) when the TDRE flag in ICSR2 is set to 1.