RX610 Group
10. ICU
R01UH0032EJ0120 Rev.1.20
Page 247 of 1006
Feb 20, 2013
Notes: 1. Single-operand transfer is transfer for a single operand per activation request. The IR flag in IRi is cleared
by activation of transfer for the single operand. In nonstop transfer, one round of DMA transfer proceeds
per activation request. The IR flag in IRi is cleared by activation of the DMA transfer. In
consecutive-operand transfer, on the other hand, transfer for multiple operands per activation request is
possible. The IR flag in IRi is cleared every operand transfer. If the source generates a further interrupt
signal before transfer for all operands is complete, once the IR flag in IRi has been set to 1, it is cleared
after transfer for individual operands.
2. In cases where the same interrupt source activates multiple channels of the DMAC, all specified channels
are activated per activation request regardless of the form of DMA transfer. The IR flag in IRi is cleared
every transfer on individual channels. If the source generates a further interrupt signal before transfer for
all operands on all channels is complete, once the IR flag in IRi has been set to 1, it is cleared after transfer
on individual channels.
If the setting of the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi is 11b, the interrupt control unit activates the DAMC and then automatically
updates the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi to 00b without waiting for the completion of data transfer. At this point, the IR flag
in IRi is not cleared and the interrupt request is conveyed to the CPU.
In cases where the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi are to be re-set to 01b after having been updated to 00b, modify the value of
the bits with the following timing.
When the selected form of DMA transfer is single-operand transfer or nonstop transfer, modify the value of the bits
within the corresponding interrupt exception handler.
When the selected form of DMA transfer is consecutive-operand transfer, modify the value of the bits on completion
of all DMA transfer on activated channels.
When the same interrupt source is activating multiple channels, regardless of the type of DMA transfer, modify the
value of the bits on completion of transfer on all channels.
Furthermore, if re-activation of the DMAC is required, ensure that generation of the interrupt signal is possible after
setting the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi to 11b.
Notes: 1.
Single-operand transfer is transfer for a single operand per activation request. The ISEL[1:0] bits in
ISELRi are automatically updated to 00b by activation of transfer for the single operand. In nonstop
transfer, one round of DMA transfer proceeds per activation request. The ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi are
automatically updated to 00b by activation of the DMA transfer. In consecutive-operand transfer, on the
other hand, transfer for multiple operands per activation request is possible. The ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi
are automatically updated to 00 every operand transfer. If the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi are re-set to 11b
before transfer for all operands is complete, the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi are updated to 00b after transfer
for individual operands.
In cases where the same interrupt source activates multiple channels of the DMAC, all specified channels
are activated per activation request regardless of the form of DMA transfer. The ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi
are automatically updated to 00b after transfer on individual channels. If the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi are
re-set to 11b before transfer for all operands on all channels is complete, the ISEL[1:0] bits in ISELRi are
updated to 00b after transfer on individual channels.