RX610 Group
23. A/D Converter
R01UH0032EJ0120 Rev.1.20
Page 774 of 1006
Feb 20, 2013
A/D Converter
The RX610 Group includes four successive approximation type 10-bit A/D converters (units 0 to 3). Each unit allows up
to four analog input channels to be selected.
The A/D converter has two kinds of operating modes, that are single mode which converts the analog input of the
specified single channel for only once and scan mode which continuously converts the analog inputs of the specified
channels up to four.
Table 23.1 lists the specifications of the A/D converter and the table 23.2 indicates the comparison of functions by each
unit. Figures 23.1 to 23.4 show block diagrams of the A/D converter units 0 to 4, respectively.
Table 23.1 Specifications of A/D Converter
Number of units
Four units
Input channels
Each unit: 4 channels (total 16 channels)
A/D conversion method
Successive approximation method
10 bits
Conversion time
s per 1 channel (when operating peripheral module clock PCLK = 50 MHz)
A/D conversion clock
4 types: PCLK, PCLK/2, PCLK/4, PCLK/8
Operating modes
Single mode: A/D conversion is to be performed for only once on the analog input of the specified single
Scan mode
Continuous scan mode: A/D conversion is to be performed sequentially on the analog inputs of the
specified channels up to four.
Single scan mode: A/D conversion is to be performed for one cycle on the analog inputs of the specified
channels up to four.
Conditions of A/D
conversion start
Software trigger
Conversion start trigger by the 16-bit timer pulse unit (TPU) or 8-bit timer (TMR).
External trigger
A/D conversion for each unit can be externally triggered from the ADTRGn# pin.
For units 0 and 1, an external trigger can be simultaneously started from the ADTRG0# pin.
For units 2 and 3, an external trigger can be simultaneously started from the ADTRG2# pin.
Sample-and-hold function
Number of sampling state is adjustable.
Interrupt source
A/D conversion end interrupt (ADI) request can be generated by each unit.
An ADI interrupt can activate data transfer controller (DTC) or DMA controller (DMAC).
Power-down function
Module stop state can be set for each unit.