Tracking Generator
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Remote command:
Frequency Offset
Constant frequency offset between the output signal of the tracking generator and the
input frequency of the R&S
ESR. Possible offsets are in a range of ±1 GHz in 0.1 Hz
The default setting is 0 Hz. Offsets <> 0 Hz are marked with the enhancement label
"FRQ" in the diagram header (see also
Chapter 8.5, "Displayed Information and
If a positive frequency offset is entered, the tracking generator generates an output sig-
nal above the receive frequency of the R&S
ESR. In case of a negative frequency off-
set it generates a signal below the receive frequency of the R&S
ESR. The output fre-
quency of the tracking generator is calculated as follows:
Tracking generator frequency = receive fre frequency offset.
Remote command:
Result Frequency Start
For reference only: The start frequency for the generator, calculated from the config-
ured generator frequency and the start value defined for the analyzer.
Result Frequency Stop
For reference only: The stop frequency for the generator, calculated from the config-
ured generator frequency and the stop value defined for the analyzer.
Frequency Min.
For reference only: Lower frequency limit for the generator.
Frequency Max.
For reference only: Upper frequency limit for the generator.
Power Min.
For reference only: Lower power limit for the generator.
Power Max.
For reference only: Upper power limit for the generator.
External Tracking Generator
The external tracking generators are configured in the "External" tabs of the "Tracking
Generator Configuration" dialog box.
In the top section of the dialog box, the measurement configurations can be defined. In
the middle section, interface settings for the connection to the external generator are
defined. In the lower section of the dialog box, the capabilities of the external tracking
generator are displayed for reference only.
Configuring Tracking Generators