Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Retrieving Results via Remote Control
All or specific channel power measurement results can be retrieved using the
command from a remote
Alternatively, the results can be output as channel power density, i.e. in reference to
the measurement bandwidth (see
In addition, the
command queries the trace data. In case of channel
power measurements, the trace data is the power levels that have been measured for
each sweep point (max. 691).
Configuring and Performing Channel Power Measurements
Predefined standards contain the main measurement settings for standard measure-
ments. When such a standard is loaded, the required channel settings are automati-
cally set on the R&S
ESR. However, the settings can be changed, and measurements
with user-defined configurations are also possible.
Once the channels have been set up, other instrument settings such as the used filter
bandwidths, frequency span and detector and trace settings can be optimized automat-
ically (see
For an overview of the softkeys and menus see
"Softkeys for Channel and Adjacent-
Selecting a Predefined Standard
Predefined standards contain the main measurement settings for standard measure-
ments. When such a standard is loaded, the required channel settings are automati-
cally set on the R&S
The selected standard defines the following settings:
Detector, see
"Optimized Settings for CP/ACLR Test Parameters"
RBW, see
"Optimized Settings for CP/ACLR Test Parameters"
► Select a predefined standard via the
Setting up the Channels
Channel definition is the basis for measuring power levels in certain frequency ranges.
Usually, the power levels in one or more carrier (TX) channels and possibly the adja-
cent channels are of interest. Up to 18 carrier channels and up to 12 adjacent channels
can be defined.