Quick Start
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, ERROR$, 100, retCount)
Debug.Print "Error Description : "; ERROR$
REM ************************************************************************
Detailed Programming Examples
In the following sections, typical programming examples for setting measurement
parameters and functions, general settings, printout and data management are provi-
Default Setting of the R&S
The following settings provide typical examples of how to change the default setting of
the R&S
Note that only some of the settings are necessary depending on the application exam-
ple. In many cases, it is not necessary to set resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth
and sweep time since these parameters are automatically calculated in the default set-
ting when the span is changed. Likewise, the input attenuation is automatically calcula-
ted in the default setting as a function of the reference level. Last of all, the level detec-
tors are linked to the selected trace mode in the default setting.
The settings automatically calculated in the default setting are indicated with an aster-
isk (*) in the following program example.
Setting the Remote Control Status Registers
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub SetupStatusReg()
'--------- IEEE 488.2 status register --------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"*CLS") 'Reset status registers
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"*SRE 168") 'Enable Service Request for
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"*ESE 61") 'Set event enable bit for:
'operation complete 'command-, execution-,
'device dependent- and query error
'--------- SCPI status register --------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"STAT:OPER:ENAB 0")
'Disable OPERation Status reg
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"STAT:QUES:ENAB 0")
'Disable questionable Statusreg
End Sub
REM ************************************************************************
Default Settings for Measurements
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub SetupInstrument()
Brief Introduction to Remote Control