Quick Start
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Table 3-7: Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU)
128 MHz
-30 dBm
50 % AM, 1 kHz AF
1. Set the signal analyzer to the default state by pressing the [PRESET] key.
The R&S
ESR is set to its default state.
2. Select "Spectrum" mode.
3. Set the center frequency to 128 MHz and the span to 0 Hz.
a) Press the [FREQ] key and enter
128 MHz
b) Press the [SPAN] key and enter
0 Hz
or press the "Zero Span" softkey.
4. Set the sweep time to 2.5 ms.
a) Press the [SWEEP] key.
b) Press the "Sweeptime Manual" softkey.
c) Enter
2.5 ms
5. Set the reference level to +6 dBm and the display range to linear.
a) Press the [AMPT] key and enter
6 dBm
b) Press the "Range" softkey.
c) Press the "Range Linear %" softkey.
6. Set triggering in response to the AF signal by using the video trigger to produce a
static image.
a) Press the [TRIG] key.
b) Press the "Trg/Gate Source" softkey and select "Video" using the arrow keys.
c) Press the "Trg/Gate Level" softkey and enter
The trigger level is displayed as a horizontal line across the entire measure-
ment diagram. The R&S
ESR displays the 1 kHz AF signal as a static image in
zero span. Use a headset to listen to the AF.
7. Activate the internal AM demodulator.
a) Press the [MKR FUNC] key.
b) Press the "Marker Demod" softkey.
The R&S
ESR automatically switches on the AM audio demodulator. A 1 kHz
tone can be heard over headset. If necessary, use the volume control knob for
AF OUTPUT on the front panel to turn up the volume.
Basic Measurement Examples