Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "SENSe1:LIST:RANGe5:POINts 7001")
'--------- Defining the limit check for all ranges -------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "SENSe1:LIST:RANGe1:LIMit:STATe ON")
'Activate the limit check
'--------- Setting the span to include all ranges --------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:FREQuency:STARt 500000")
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":SENSe1:FREQuency:STOP 6000000000")
'--------- Measuring -------------------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep, wait for sweep
'--------- Reading out results ---------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":TRACe1:DATA? LIST")
'Query list results
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":CALCulate1:PSEarch[:IMMediate]")
'Deactivate limit line and
'just look for peaks
Rem Or set margin to 200 in order to find all peaks
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":TRACe1:DATA? SPUR")
'Query just the peaks
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, ":CALCulate:LIMit:FAIL?")
'Query result of limit check
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, result$)
REM ************************************************************************
Averaging I/Q Data
The R&S
ESR has averaging capability also for I/Q measurements, i.e. I/Q data can be
averaged over several test runs. This is subject to the following conditions:
An external trigger signal must be available for data measurement, and the trigger
signal must be phase-locked to the signal measured.
The same reference-frequency signal must be used for the DUT and the
Internal I/Q data averaging is supported up to 512 k I/Q samples.
If all of the above conditions are fulfilled, no phase shift will occur between consecutive
test runs. Phase shift may falsify the measured average so that in extreme cases a
value of 0 is obtained.
The default setting of the instrument for data measurement without averaging has to be
changed as follows:
REM ************************************************************************
'--------- R&S FSV default setting ----------------------------------------
CALL SetupInstrument 'Default setting
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "TRAC:IQ:STAT ON")
'Activate I/Q data acquisition
'mode; this must be
'done before TRAC:IQ:SET!
'Select max. number of test points (= 512 * 1024) at 10 MHz RBW,
Remote Control – Programming Examples