Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
AOBW (AllOccupiedBandWidth)
Returns the occupied bandwidth, as well as the position and
level of the temporary markers T1 and T2 used to calculate the
occupied bandwidth.
The syntax of the result is:
<Occupied bandwidth>,<T1 x-value>,<T1 y-value>,<T2 x-
value>,<T2 y-value>
Measurement of carrier-to-noise ratio
The carrier-to-noise ratio in dB is returned.
Measurement of carrier-to-noise ratio referenced to 1 Hz band-
The carrier-to-noise ratio in dB/Hz is returned.
Channel power measurement
In a Spectrum Emission Mask measurement, the query returns
the power result for the reference range, if this power reference
type is selected.
With logarithmic scaling (RANGE LOG), the channel power is
output in the currently selected level unit; with linear scaling
(RANGE LIN dB or LIN %), the channel power is output in W.
Power of the highest peak
In a Spectrum Emission Mask measurement, the query returns
the power result for the reference range, if this power reference
type is selected.
Remote Commands in Spectrum Analyzer Mode