Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
c) Select "Average" in the "Trace Mode" drop-down menu of the selected trace.
The traces of consecutive sweeps are averaged. To perform averaging, the
ESR automatically switches on the sample detector. The RF signal, there-
fore, can be more clearly distinguished from noise.
Figure 6-26: RF sine wave signal with low S/N ratio if the trace is averaged.
4. Instead of trace averaging, a video filter that is narrower than the resolution band-
width can be selected:
a) Press the TRACE key.
b) Press the "Trace Wizard" softkey.
The Trace Wizard dialog box opens.
c) Select "Clear Write" in the "Trace Mode" drop-down menu of the selected trace.
d) Press the BW key.
Advanced Measurement Examples