Offline printing tasks through command line
You can perform offline printing tasks by entering commands
Through the Messages window of the PC UI
Through the system controller terminal (non-U.S. markets).
To enter commands through the Messages window of the PC UI:
1. Place the cursor in the window.
2. Click once with the left mouse button.
3. Enter the command.
If you are using the system controller terminal, just use the
keyboard to enter the command.
Offline printing tasks
The following sections contain instructions for performing
specific offline printing tasks.
Start an offline print job
Use this task to begin printing an offline job.
Start Job task through windows
1. Select the Offline button.
2. From the Start window, enter information in the appropriate
Device. The tape drive you are using to print the job.
(The tape device identifications are set up during sysgen.
Refer to the 4635 LPS System Generation Guide for
additional information.)
Report Mode. There are two options for report mode:
— Single. The LPS stops after each job is printed. You
can then select the options for the next print job.
— Multiple. The LPS prints all the reports continuously.
The default for this field is “Multiple.”
JDE. The name or number of the job descriptor entry. It
may be up to eight characters in length.
JDL. The name or number of the job descriptor library,
which contains the JDE task used. It may be up to eight
characters in length.
Copies. The number of copies you want.
Reports. Allows you to specify the sequence and set of
reports to be printed. For example, 1, 3-5, 2 directs the
LPS to print the first report, then the third through the
fifth, then the second.
If you do not use this option, the LPS assumes you want
all jobs printed.