Sample files
Use this task to print samples of fonts, forms, logos, or graphics.
Sample files task through windows
To print sample of fonts, forms, or logos:
1. Select “Sample Fonts/Forms/Logos” from the Job Control
menu to open the Sample Fonts/Forms/Logos window.
Figure 5-10.
Sample Fonts/Forms/Logos window
2. To print a sample of a font, form, or logo, either:
• Enter the file name in the File ID field to print a sample
of a font, form, or logo stored on the system disk.
• Select the appropriate option from the auxiliary menu
next to the File ID field to print a sample of all the
fonts, forms, or logos in the system:
— *.FNT to print samples of all fonts at 300 spots per
inch (spi)
— *.FRM to print samples of all forms at 300 spots
per inch
— *.LGO to print samples of all logos at 300 spots
per inch
a. If you want to print more than one copy of the file
specified, enter the number in the copies field.
Note: The maximum number of copies you can
print is 32,767.
b. If you want to print on both sides of each sheet of
paper, select the Duplex option from the Format
field's auxiliary menu. Otherwise, the samples
print on only one side of the paper (simplex).
c. Select the appropriate header button:
Apply/Close. Apply your selection and close
the window.
Apply. Apply your selection.
Close. Close the window.