Project Planning Manual
Representation of Various Setpoints
The following pages contain functional diagrams which show how the setpoints change with
respect to time if
the local / remote pushbutton (13) on the front panel is pressed
the configured functions of the digital input BE are driven by a logical “1” or “0”.
The configuring switches listed next to the examples must be set to the defined positions for the
displayed functions. Configuring switches which are not listed are of no significance. They should
be set to "0" unless the controlled system requires a different setting.
Example 1: Fixed setpoint controller without setpoint ramp (Tw = 0). Operation with an
adjustable setpoint wi, no x-tracking.
S1 = 0
S17 = 0
w (%)
= w
(adjustable on front)
Fig. 11/1
Setpoint response according to example 1
Example 2: Fixed setpoint controller with setpoint ramp (Tw > 0). Operation with an
adjustable setpoint wi, with x-tracking and the digital input configured to
Si (safety manipulated variable yS).
With Si = 1, the effective setpoint follows the controlled variable x without a
delay by means of x-tracking. If Si = 0, the setpoint changes with the ramp set
as a time parameter to the previously fixed setpoint wi (please observe note
on page 26).