9 - PID Loops
Simatic 505 SoftShop
rcew fghi jklm nopq
0101 xxxx xxx0 10xx
Small PV changes; Step too small?
0101 xxxx xxx0 11xx
PV near span low; Range marginal?
0101 xxxx xxx1 00xx
PV near span high; Range marginal?
0101 xxxx xxx1 01xx
Small output change; Step too small?
0101 xxxx xxx1 10xx
Output near span low; Range
0101 xxxx xxx1 11xx
Output near span high; Range
0101 xxxx xx1x xxxx
PV changes before output; Noisy
0101 xxxx x1xx xxxx
PV changes inconsistent with output;
Noisy signal?
0101 xxxx 1xxx xxxx
Gain clamped to high/low limit
0101 xxx1 xxxx xxxx
Reset clamped to high/low limit
0101 xx1x xxxx xxxx
Rate clamped to high/low limit
0110 xxxx xxxx xxxx
SmarTune complete with error(s)
0110 0000 0000 0000
Unanticipated error
Table 9-4 Status Code Bit Values (continued)
rcew fghi jklm nopq
0110 xxxx xxxx 0001
PIN mismatch
0110 xxxx xxxx 0010
Loop would not go to Manual Mode
0110 xxxx xxxx 0011
Loop not completely under SmarTune
0110 xxxx xxxx 0100
SmarTune timeout (Maximum time
0110 xxxx xxxx 0101
Not enough free memory
0110 xxxx xxxx 0110
Out of required system resources
0110 xxxx xxxx 0111
PV greater than high stop
0110 xxxx xxxx 1000
PV lower than low stop
0110 xxxx xxxx 1001
PV change too small
0110 xxxx xxxx 1010
Operation aborted
0110 xxxx xx01 xxxx
Sample interval (LTS) range error
(allowed range: 0.1 ms to 2 hours)
0110 xxxx xx10 xxxx
PV (LPV) or output (LMN) range
(range < 0.00001)
0110 xxxx xx11 xxxx
Sample size too small (probably
would never happen) size < 33
(increase STEP or decrease NOISE)
0110 xxx0 01xx xxxx
PV/output inconsistent 1; Noisy
PV/output signal?