3 - 505 SoftShop Basics
3 - 505 SoftShop Basics
Welcome to 505 SoftShop
Software Features
If you are new to the Windows environment, we suggest reading the
preceding chapter before continuing with this chapter.
This chapter will get you started using 505 SoftShop. Although you
should progress at a rate comfortable for you, we recommend following
the manual outline in your approach to programming. Advancing through
the chapters in this order will help ensure a more efficient use of the
software. The remaining chapters, in order, include:
505 SoftShop Basics
505 SoftShop Setup
PLC Configuration
Approaching the software in this order will also help you discover
505 SoftShop’s powerful features that include:
Multiple windows view and edit
Flexible program setup
Access to ladder logic through cross-reference
Write, read, and force addresses from the Data Window
Multiple documentation options
Keyboard support for every function and command
Starting 505 SoftShop
After installing 505 SoftShop, start 505 SoftShop by doing one of the
following actions:
Double-click the 505 SoftShop icon with the left mouse button
Press Ctrl+F6 until the 505 SoftShop group box is active. If
necessary, press the Tab key to highlight the 505 SoftShop icon
and press Enter.
While 505 SoftShop loads, the 505 SoftShop copyright screen appears.
When 505 SoftShop does not detect a Siemens-Key, an error message