PLC WorkShop for Simatic TI505
Destination can be in the form of an end address or a count. For example,
a start address of 400001 and an end address of 400003 will display
400001, 400002, and 400003 in the log window. Selecting a count of 3
instead of an end address will give the same results. However, if
increment is set to 2 and end address is selected addresses 400001 and
400003 will be displayed while addresses 400001, 400003, and 400005
will be displayed if count is selected. The format will determine how to
display the data values for the addresses selected.
Clicking on the “Apply” button will fill the log window with the
addresses specified in the Fill dialog without closing the dialog. Pre-
existing addresses in the log window that fall within the fill range will be
overwritten if “OVR” is enabled in the status bar. After clicking on
Apply, the following fields will be modified:
Start Address
– This will now indicate the address at the new start row.
Start Row
– This will now indicate the first empty row after the last
address in the fill.
Fill Example
Below is an example of how you might set up the fill dialog.
Start Address
Start Row
End Address
After “Apply” is selected and the log window is modified, the Fill dialog
will have the following values:
Start Address
Start Row
End Address
Editing Features
Cut, Copy, and Paste
Cut, Copy, and Pastes can be performed on log window rows a variety of
different ways. The menu items can be found under the main “Edit”
menu along with hot keys. Alternative hotkeys shift-delete, ctrl-insert,
and shift-insert are supported for Cut, Copy, and Paste respectively.
Toolbar items are also provided for all three features. Log window rows
can be cut from one log window and pasted into another provided that the
log window’s servers match.
Cut, Copy, and Paste will observe highlighted rows similar to excel.
Highlighting log window rows is also similar to excel with the exception
of column highlighting.