PLC WorkShop for Simatic TI505
Figure 4
Logging Methods
Periodic - Updates the cache in time intervals specified in edit box.
The format is msec, sec, min, and hour. Minimum value is 0
(updates as quickly as possible) and maximum value is 24 hours.
Deadband - Data variation value or a percentage of a data
variation. Compares each data value from the addresses in the log
window with the deadband value. If a particular value fluctuates by
the deadband amount (+ or -), the server updates the cache for that
data item. Deadband then compares to the updated value for that
particular item.
Event - Updates only if the event created in Set Event is true and
selected. The Set Event screen appears (Figure 5).
Figure 5
Event Address
Device Name - Displays the device name.
Address/Tag - Displays the event address.
Tags - Displays addresses and tags. Click an item and the
corresponding address/tag appears in the Address/Tag edit box.
Event Range
Represents an expression involving the event address. The
addresses in a log window are updated as long as the expression is
The text at the top of the edit box describes the complete
expression with the event address.
The first combo box and adjacent edit box contain the low trigger
range. The combo box contains the following options: <, >, <=,
=, and !=.
The last combo box and adjacent edit contain high trigger range.
The combo box contains the following options: <, >, <=, >=,
and !=.
The middle combo box represents the trigger relationship. This
combo box contains the following strings: