9 - PID Loops
Simatic 505 SoftShop
currently contained in LRSN. Note that the step number is zero-based.
LRSN contains 0 when the profile is on step #1, 1 when the profile is on
step #2, etc.
Using the Ramp/Soak Flags
- Each loop ramp/soak profile has a
corresponding 16-bit variable, LRSF, that contains operational and status
information for the profile.
When you program a ramp/soak profile, you may optionally specify a
RAMP/SOAK FLAG ADDRESS. When you enter an address into this
field, the controller writes the ramp/soak data from LRSF to this address.
You can use TISOFT or APT, or design your RLL program to write to
the first three bits at the specified address. The controller reads these bits
and then writes their status over the corresponding bits in LRSF. This
enables you to change the ramp/soak operation by setting/clearing the
three bits as needed. The controller ignores changes that you make in bits
You can also monitor LRSF with a SF program and write changes to bits
1-3 with a SF program.
NOTE: The step number is zero-based. LRSN contains 0 when the profile is on step #1, I
when the profile is on step #2, etc.