PLC WorkShop for Simatic TI505
General Tab
The General Tab settings are the settings for both the Y and X-axis:
Refresh Rate is the time between screen updates.
Background Color- sets the color of the graph background.
Axis Color- sets the X and Y-axis color.
Grid – turns on and off the X and Y reference lines.
Grid Color- sets the color of the X and Y reference lines
Title is the name of the graph. Any name up to 64 characters can
be used.
Font Tab
Font Tab changes character fonts of the graph. To change the font of text
or numbers
Select the Change button on the Font tab.
On the Font dialog, click a font name in the Font box. The
Font color and background can also be changed here.
X-Axis Tab
X-Axis Tab is where settings for the X-axis are set (figure 11).
Figure 11
“Time Settings”
group box sets the time range and format for the x-axis.
" sets
the X-axis time intervals. The intervals can be set from 1
second up to 365 days. If "Show Time" check box is selected the current
time in a standard format Hours: Minutes: Seconds or Hours: Minutes is
displayed. If “Show Date Format” check box is selected the current date
(in two possible formats) is displayed.