Simatic 505 SoftShop
2 - Installation
Possible Cause
The key date does not support the current software version.
Call Siemens Technical Support.
Siemens-KEY is corrupt. Demo mode may be entered.
Possible Cause
You purchased a partial software package, and the partial package
information cannot be read from the Siemens-Key.
Call Siemens Technical Support.
Connect the Communications Cable
The PLC communications cable connects the serial COM port of the
personal computer to the PLC. This enables you to transfer programs
and data from the computer’s memory (Offline) to the PLC, and vice
versa. This cable has a 25-pin or 9-pin connector (computer end) and a
9-pin connector (PLC end).
If your computer has a 9-pin COM port, and you have a 25-pin cable,
you can use a 9 to 25-pin converter to connect the communications cable
to the processor. If your computer has a 25-pin COM port, this converter
is not necessary.
The pin-outs for the communications cable are shown in the following
Cable Pin-Outs for RS-232-C Ports
Connect your programming device to the controller with a double-
shielded null modem RS-232-C cable. Figures 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 show
pin-outs for the RS-232-C cables.