PLC WorkShop for Simatic TI505
the Y-axis Tab dialog box. The y-axis scale values and titles can be turn
on and off by selecting/deselecting Show Number and Show Y-Axis
Titles check boxes.
Figure 13
Key/Pens Display
There are five Key display options (display at the bottom of FTTrender
window) available in FTTrender and four Pen (pen point that plots the
data value (figure 14):
Show Value, the value of the data point being read.
Show Address, the current address being read.
Show Device Name, the name of the device which
communication is established.
Show Tag; if FTTrend is linked with a database with tags
(documentation) then the adders tag can be displayed.
Show Description, if FTTrend is linked with a database with
description (documentation) then the address description can be
In order for the above Keys to be displayed the Show Key check box
must be selected. The key displays font's can be changed by selecting
change font on the Graph Settings dialog Key/Pen tab. Display column
widths can also be changed by entering a number in the Key Columns
selection box.