4 - 505 SoftShop Setup
505 SoftShop for Simatic 505
New or modified IP address configurations do not take effect
until you power cycle the base containing the PPX:505-CP2572 module.
Tips for Using the PLC Start Option
SIMATIC 505 Ethernet TCP/IP Communication Processor (505-
CP2572) User Manual
describes how to build a Startup Network
Command Block table, used with the PLC Start option, in the chapter on
(Chapter 2). An easy way to construct this table is to open a
Data window (see
Using The Data Window
) and enter the desired V-
memory address. (For instance, the Ladder Logic Example in the TCP/IP
manual assumes that the command block is located in V-memory, starting
at location V500.) From the desired location, you can simply key in the
values from the Startup Network Command Block example table in the
manual, supplying the correct IP address, IP route address, and subnet
mask for your network.
For even more permanency, you can put the table into K-memory instead
of V-memory. If you use the example ladder program from the TCP/IP
manual, you can just add a MOVW box to move the values in K to V, as
shown in Figure 4.6. You can also trigger your logic from the first-scan
flag bit in status word 201, instead of creating a lock with coil C1.
Network 3:
This rung is the same as the sample program in the TCP/IP manual, Chapter 2.
Network 1:
Use MOVW box to move table values stored in K*memory to V*memory for logic execution.
Network 2:
Logic is triggered by first*scan flag bit, rather than coil C1.
(If C1 is used elsewhere in program, it might come on unpredictably; flag bit comes on exclusively for first scan.)
Figure 4.6
Connect the Module to the Ethernet
The PPX:505-CP2572 module directly supports 10BaseT (UTP) cabling.
If your existing network does not use UTP, but the cabling medium is
IEEE 802.3 compliant, you can purchase a transceiver that connects the
media to the AUI port on the module. Consult the
SIMATIC 505 Ethernet
TCP/IP Communication Processor (505-CP2572)
User Manual
information about how to connect cables to the 10bT or AUI port of your
module. Consult the Siemens IK 10 catalog for information about how to
purchase a Siemens transceiver if you need to use it with the AUI port.
Testing the Connection with PING
Once the board has been configured, you can test the settings by using a
DOS command line utility called PING (comes with the TCP/IP stack).
The program sends several test messages to the IP address that you
specify on the command line. For example, PING; will test the