505 SoftShop for Simatic 505
4 - 505 SoftShop Setup
Logic Tab/General
Ladder Grid
Displays the ladder grid when selected.
Sticky Cursor
When selected, the current ladder instruction is saved as the
cursor. You have to manually select the pointer cursor when
you are done editing the current instruction. If not selected,
the cursor changes back to the pointer after inserting an
All Headers
Displays ladder, network, and SF headers when selected.
Changes the font displayed in the active program. Any
active Windows font can be selected. To change the font:
Click Font and the Font dialog
box is displayed.
Choose a font, font style, and
font size. Notice that you can
see a sample of the font in the
Sample box.
Click OK in the Font dialog box
to save your changes and return
to Program Setup. Click Cancel
to make no font changes and
return to Program Setup.
Logic Tab/Ladder
Displays addresses when selected.
Displays tags when selected.
Displays tag descriptions when selected.
Assign Tags
When selected, a window automatically appears if an
address (that does not have a tag attached to it) is entered in
ladder. It allows you to assign a tag, description, and
comment to the address.
Assign Addresses
When selected, a window automatically appears if a tag (that
does not match any current tags) is entered in ladder. It
allows you to assign an address, description and comment to
the tag.
Column Width
Adjusts the size of the ladder grid. Click the up or down
arrow or type in a value between 7 and 24.
Description Rows
Determines the number of character rows displayed for each
description. Click the up or down arrow or type in a value
between 1 and 12.
Tag Rows
Determines the number of character rows displayed for each
tag. Click the up or down arrow or type in a value between 1
and 4.
Allows the use of certain TISOFT function keys to be used
in windows. Such as; coils (Y, C, WY, V, G, W), contacts
(X, Y, C, WX, WY, V, K, G, W), /, N, M, =, >, H, I, <, O,
U, Ctrl U, J, U.
Status Thickness
Determines the line thickness of the ladder status line.
Settings are between 1 and 6.