3 - 505 SoftShop Basics
Title Bar
The Title Bar spans the top of the 505 SoftShop window (Figure 3.4).
Use the Title Bar to:
Identify the application you are using. In Figure 3.1, the
application is SoftShop.
Move the window. Click the title bar with the mouse pointer,
hold down the left mouse button and drag to the desired location
to move the window.
Change the size or position of the window. The following
buttons appear in the corner of the title bar:
Figure 3.4
Button Title
Left box
Click the dash button to
reduce window to an
Middle box
Click the window
button to enlarge the
entire screen.
Right box
Click the
button to
exit SoftShop.
The Toolbar displays a row of buttons. Each button represents a
frequently used option. Select the option by clicking on its button, saving
you the steps of selecting several options from a series of menus. Notice
that when you click on the button, its purpose appears on the Status Line
at the bottom of the window (Figure 3.5).
Figure 3.5