3 - 505 SoftShop Basics
Data Window
While working in the Data Window, you can use Clear to clear all rows
or one row at a time. Clear is accessed through the Edit menu or by
pressing the Delete key.
Use Delete to delete an item and remove the space it occupies. Access
Delete from the Edit menu using the Logic Editor in either offline or
online mode. Delete can also be accessed from the Data Window.
To delete:
Select the item or items you wish to delete.
Select Delete from the Edit menu.
Result: The Delete box appears (Figure 3.25).
Click the items you want to delete.
Click OK or press Enter.
Figure 3.25 – Ladder Delete
The following table describes the deletion items.
Deletes a network or a range of networks/addresses. To delete a
range of networks/addresses, enter the number of the first network
to delete in the From box. Then enter the number of last network to
delete in the To box.
In Ladder, selecting a row deletes all instructions and branches
from the row where the cursor is positioned. Logic below the
deleted row(s) moves up. When box instructions prevent a
deletion, an error message appears.
Deletes instructions and branches from the column where the
cursor is positioned. Logic to the right of the deleted column(s)
moves left. When box instructions prevent a deletion, an error
message appears.
Logic Editor - Online
Using Delete in the Logic Editor while online works the same as in
offline mode. However, a row or column cannot be deleted unless it is
Data Window
While working in the Data Window, you can use Delete to clear all rows
or one row at a time. Delete is accessed through the Edit menu.
Use Insert to insert a selected object (network, instruction, row, or
column) at the point of the current cursor position. Access Insert from the
Edit menu using the Logic Editor in either offline or online mode.
To insert an object:
Select Insert from the Edit menu.
Result: The Insert dialog box appears (Figure 3.26).
Click on the object you want to insert.