PLC WorkShop for Simatic TI505
Configuring FTTrend Devices
Before any addresses can be inserted into a trend window, devices must
be configured so that the servers know where to read the addresses.
Selecting "Device Source…" from the Setup menu list does this. Only
devices from “running” servers can be configured. Opening up a trend
window starts a server for the selected server. Once a window is opened
and the server starts running, it will continue to run throughout the
duration of the application. The menu “Device Source…” will be
disabled if no servers are running. When this menu item is selected or
when a trend window is created with no devices attached to the server,
the dialog below will be displayed. If the dialog was prompted by a new
trend window, the text in the box at the top will read “One or more
devices must be configured for [server name] before any addresses/tags
can be entered into the active trend window”.
Figure 2
All the configured devices for all the servers will be listed here sorted by
device name. The name of the recently selected configuration file will be
displayed in the static box on the bottom. If a new configuration file is
selected this window will show nothing under “Configured Devices”.
You can change the configuration file at any time by clicking on the
“Select” button to bring up the “Select Configuration File” dialog shown
below. All the configured devices will get saved here when you attempt a
Save or Save As from the File menu.