Simatic 505 SoftShop
6 - Programming
The list box has five columns each one holds a location. The location
consists of rung number and item found. The list box displays the
locations in order of rung number.
The GOTO button closes the Address Trace window and places the
cursor in ladder logic window at the network number selected in the
Address Trace list box.
Close or ESC or clicking on the X in the upper right corner of the dialog
closes the dialog.
Unique Address
Unique determines if an element already exists in your ladder program
and, if so, gives you the location. For example, if a TIMER is needed for
a new feature, you can use the Unique function to see if TMR
already used. Since a TMR is a global memory box, 505 SoftShop also
checks to see if any TMR, TMRF, CTR, UDC, MCAT, or DCAT has
the same nnnn designator.
Unique checks only for occurrences of the designated element
in L-memory. It does not
search for an element in Loops, Analog
Alarms, SFPGMs, SFSUBs, Intelligent I/O, or Operator Interface
To access the Unique function: Select an item in the logic window to
search on. Then select Unique Address from the View menu. The
Unique Address window appears.
The two results of the search are:
Address exists only at current network.
Address exist at network number XXXX.
If you have more than one program loaded, the information displayed is
for the program in the active window only.
File Program Compare compares,
Forced Word I/O
Forced Discrete I/O
Forced Control Relays
Sequencer Scan Time
Special Function Programs
Special Function Subroutines
V and K Memory