9 - PID Loops
Simatic 505 SoftShop
Monitor Rate of Change
To have the controller monitor the rate of change, select Yes in the
Monitor Deviation field; otherwise, select No.
Rate of Change Loop
Enter a value in engineering units for the rate of change Alarm in the Rate
of Change Alarm field.
Monitor Broken Transmitter Alarm
To have the controller monitor the Broken Transmitter Alarm, select Yes
in the Monitor Broken Transmitter Alarm field; otherwise, select No.
If you program the controller to monitor for the broken transmitter
condition, an Alarm occurs if the raw process variable is outside the valid
range designated for the Process Variable. Valid ranges are:
Bipolar: -32000 to 32000
0% offset: 0 to 32000
20% offset: 6400 to 32000
R/S Programmed
The RAMP/SOAK PROGRAMMED field is a read-only field and
contains an
(YES) or blank (NO) to indicate the creation of a
ramp/soak program for the loop.
To create a ramp/soak profile for a loop, exit the PID Loop Edit window
and select the Ramp/Soak button on the PID Loop Directory dialog box.
Delete PID Loop
To Delete a PID Loop, Click on PID Loop... from the View
menu or (Alt+V, P). The PID Loop Directory dialog box
appears (Figure 9.1a). The dialog box shows the Loop Mode,
Loop number (1-64), Loop Title, and Enable/Disable state.
Select the PID Loop number that you want to delete by using the
left mouse button or the Arrow keys on the keyboard. Click on
the dialog box Delete button or use the keyboard to Tab to the
Delete button and press Enter or (Alt+D). The following dialog
box appears (Figure 9.3).
Figure 9.3
Select Yes to delete the PID Loop, and No to return to the
previous dialog box.