8 - Analog Alarms
Simatic 505 SoftShop
Process Variable Alarm High-High
Enter real number in engineering units; must be greater than or equal to
high alarm value, and less than or equal to high range of Process
Monitor Remote Setpoint
To have the controller monitor the remote setpoint, select Yes in the
Monitor Remote Setpoint field. If you select No, the analog alarm uses
the current value in the analog alarm variable.
Remote Setpoint
Select NONE if there is no remote setpoint. Otherwise, enter an address:
V, K, WX, or WY, or a value in the remote setpoint field.
Clamp Setpoint Low/High
Enter values for the setpoint limits in the CLAMP SETPOINT LIMITS
field. If there are no limits, enter zeroes in the High and Low fields.
Alarm Deadband
Enter a value in engineering units for the alarm deadband in the ALARM
DEADBAND field. When you specify an alarm deadband, the controller
can provide hysteriesis on all alarms except the rate of change alarm to
prevent them from chattering when the process variable is near one of the
alarm limits.
Special Function
Enter a SF program number in the SF field. Select NONE if no SF
program is to be called for execution.
Monitor Deviation
To have the controller monitor the deviation alarm limits select Yes in the
Monitor Deviation field; otherwise, select No.
Deviation Yellow Alarm
Enter values in engineering units for the setpoint deviation limits. The
deviation alarm bands are always centered around the target or setpoint;
i.e., the deviation alarm test is actually on the control error. This value
indicates the maximum allowable error (SP-PV) that sets the yellow
alarm deviation alarm. The yellow deviation limit must be within the span
of the process variable, and it must be less than or equal to the orange
deviation alarm.
Deviation Orange Alarm
Enter values in engineering units for the setpoint deviation limits. The
deviation alarm bands are always centered around the target or setpoint;
i.e., the deviation alarm test is actually on the control error. This value
indicates the maximum allowable error (SP-PV) that sets the orange
alarm deviation alarm. The orange deviation limit must be within the span
of the process variable, and it must be greater than or equal to the yellow
deviation alarm.