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[:SOURce]:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <value>
:POWer 0dBm The output amplitude level is 0 dBm. Ampl Offset
Functional Description:
The command is the actual output amplitude offset of the signal generator. When the value is
non-zero, an offset indicator “*” is displayed in amplitude display area and the displayed amplitude
value is the actual amplitude power plus the amplitude offset. Such amplitude offset does not change
the actual output amplitude of the signal generator. Only the displayed amplitude value is changed.
Parameter specification:
Ampl Offset. Range: 0dB [-100dB
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:OFFSet <value>
:POWer:OFFS -10dB Ampl Offset is -10 dB. Ampl Ref Switch
Functional Description:
This command sets the state of Ampl Ref Switch. When Ampl Ref is turned on and amplitude
reference value is non-zero, the amplitude value displayed in amplitude display area is based on the
amplitude reference when the amplitude level of the signal generator is changed; when Ampl Ref is
turned off, the amplitude value displayed in amplitude display area is the actual CW output amplitude
of the signal generator.
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:POWer:REFerence:STATe ON|OFF|1|0
:POWer:REFerence:STATe 1Ampl Ref is turned on. Ampl Ref
Functional Description:
Ampl Ref can be set when Ampl Ref Switch is turned on. When Ampl Ref Switch is turned on, an
indicator “*” is displayed in amplitude display area and the displayed amplitude value = actual output
amplitude - amplitude reference value.
For example, current CW output amplitude is 1 dBm. If amplitude reference is set to 1 dBm,
displayed CW output amplitude is based on the amplitude reference, so amplitude display area will
display 0 dBm, and the actual output frequency of the signal generator is still 1 dBm.
Parameter specification:
<PowRef> Ampl Ref.
Range: 0dBm [-135dBm
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:POWer:REFerence <value>