Tel: 886.909 602 109 Email: [email protected]
The software provides C/N and Eb/No modes to calculate and display noise power. In C/N mode,
SNR configuration item is valid; in Eb/No mode, Eb/No configuration item is valid. In ARB and Tone
modes, this configuration item only provides Noise Power Calculation Mode of C/N mode.
2) Signal-to-noise Ratio Functional Description:
The ratio of noise power to signal power, ranging from -50 dB to 40 dB. This value is editable in
C/N mode. This value is not editable in Eb/No mode. After the parameter value is set, the software
automatically calculates and displays Eb/No value. The formula is: Eb/No= Signal-to-noise Ratio/
(Bit Rate/System Bandwidth).
3) Eb/No
Functional Description:
This value can be edited in Eb/No mode. After this value is set, the software automatically
calculates SNR according to the following formula:
SNR= (Eb/No) * (Bit Rate/System Bandwidth). In ARB and Tone modes, this value is invalid. Noise Bandwidth
Functional Description:
Set the bandwidth of pure noise. Parameter range: The minimum is 1 kHz and the maximum is
the maximum sample clock of the instrument *0.4*2.
Parameter specification:
10MHz [ 1kHz - the maximum sample clock *0.4*2 ].
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:RADio:AWGN:ARB:BWIDth <freq><freq unit>
RAD:AWGN:ARB:BWID 10MHz Target CW Freq Bias
Functional Description:
Set the relative frequency of disturbing CW relative to modulated carrier. Parameter range:
Baseband bandwidth/2~ + baseband bandwidth/2. Result CW Freq Bias
Functional Description:
The actual output frequency of disturbing CW (currently modulated carrier fre relative
frequency). This value is a displayed value that cannot be set. After users set Target CW Freq Bias,
the value is automatically calculated and displayed. CIR
Functional Description:
The ratio of noise power to signal power ratio.
Parameter specification:
0dB [-50dB, 40dB]
4.2.10 System Reference Auto [ON/OFF]