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7) Q/ Offset
Functional Description:
This command sets Q/ Offset of I/Q Output Adj. This command works when I/Q Output Adj is
turned on.
Parameter specification:
Q/ Offset of I/Q Output Adj.
Range: 0V [-1V
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:DM:IQADjustment:OUTPut:UQOFfset <val>
[:SOURce] :DM:IQADjustment:OUTPut:UQOFfset?
:DM:IQADjustment:OUTPut:UQOFfset 1V
Set I/ Offset of I/Q Output Adj to 1 V.
8) Orthority Offset
Functional Description:
This command sets Orthority Offset of I/Q Output Adj. This command works when I/Q Output Adj is
turned on.
Parameter specification:
Orthority Offset of I/Q Output Adj.
Range: 0V [-10deg
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:DM:IQADjustment:OUTPut:SKEW <val>
[:SOURce] :DM:IQADjustment:OUTPut:SKEW?
:DM:IQADjustment:OUTPut:SKEW 1deg
Set Orthority Offset of I/Q Output Adj to 1 deg.
4.2.7 ARB Arb Seq ON
Functional Description:
This command enables ARB generator state of the signal generator. When ARB is turned on,
the main information display area in user interface of the signal generator will display an indication.
Parameter specification:
Boolean data is as follows:
ON | 1: ARB is turned on,
OFF | 0: ARB is turned off.
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0
Turn on ARB.