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[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:SCLock:RATE <val><freq unit>
[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:SCLock:RATE 50MHz ARB Clock Freq is 50 MHz. New Seq
Functional Description:
Clear the current sequence list and create an empty list in Seq mode. This function is valid in
Seq mode. Load Seq
Functional Description:
The command indicates that a waveform sequence is loaded. A waveform sequence can be
composed of multiple waveform segments. Parameters are composed of file_name, waveform, reps
and M1M2M3M4. File_name refers to the folder where waveform segment file is stored. The
user-specified folder can only be that under relative path. In this parameter, the user has no right to
specify an absolute path. For example, if the user names "D:\\USER\\SEQ" for file_name, these
folders cannot be created under D drive, and the file name is considered wrong; waveform refers to
the specific waveform segment file. The maximum number of waveform segment files supported by
this command is 64; Reps refers to the number of times each waveform segment is played cyclically,
and one waveform segment file can be played back up to 65,535 times; M1M2M3M4 is a mark switch
of each waveform segment files, for example: If users do not want to output any mark of waveform
segment, they can select NONE, or ALL if they want to output all marks of waveform segment.
Parameter specification:
String type.
The folder where waveform segment file is stored, the folder specified by users
can only be that under relative path.
String type.
Name of waveform segment file, the maximum number of waveform segment file
supported by this command is 64.
Integer. Times of looped playback of each waveform segment.
Range: 1[1
Discrete data type, mark switch of each waveform segment file, specific option is
in command format.
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:SEQuence Seq1
Load a waveform sequence, which is located in Seq1 folder which contains waveform1 and
waveform2. The former is played 12 times with no mark output; the latter is played 300 times, with
mark 1 and mark 2 of each symbol output.