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Fig.3.23 Diagram of Baseband Triggering (Gate/Low)
Status of signal generator when the baseband trigger mode is set as “Gate”
The trigger source will be set as Ext automatically and the polarity will change with the gate status.
In Gate mode, the baseband signal will be played continuously.
3.2.9 Arbitrary waveform triggering function configuration
Trigger sources of arbitrary waveform include: trigger key (Key), external (Ext), bus (Bus) and
internal (Int). See 4.2.7 Arbitrary waveform of 4.2 Menu description for details.
Example 1: Work pattern: Sequence, Add Wave Seg: 4KTri_2MClk (sine wave), clock:
customized 200MHz, Trig Style: Continue (realtime), Trig Source: Ext, Ext Config Dialog: Polar:
Operation steps:
Step 1. Connect the instrument as shown in Fig.3.20.
Connect I/Q signal output on the rear panel to two input ports of a oscilloscope via the BNC cables,
set another signal generator to the pulse modulation output mode and use it as the external trigger
source (pulse width: 200ns, period: 4μs). Connect to “Monitor Output” of this signal generator to a
BNC tee connector, of which one end is connected to “Code Pattern Trigger Input” of the vector
signal generator and the other end is connected to the third input port of the oscilloscope.
Step 2. Select [Arb] under the [Signal Simulation], and Arb Config Dialog pops up (Fig.3.9).
Step 3. Set parameters:
1) Work pattern: Sequence, Add Wave Seg: 4KTri_2MClk (sine wave), Clock: customized 200MHz;
2) Select [Trigger] to set the trigger style: Continue (realtime), Trig Source: Ext, Ext Config Dialog::
Polar: positive, delay: off;
Step 4. Set “Arb Seq” to ON.
Step 5. Observe those traces on the oscilloscope.
As shown in Fig.3.24: Signal 1: external trigger signal, Signal 2: I output, Signal 3: Q output. Each