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4)All List Dwell Time
Functional Description:
This command sets the dwell time of each sweep point in current list. If users need to set different
dwell time, it is necessary to enter the corresponding dwell time for each point in list, i.e. the dwell
time parameter value of list sweep points in turn, separated by commas. If the number of points
input by users are less than that of the current list points, the number of points where the dwell time
is not entered uses the current default.
Parameter specification:
<Val> Dwell Time of List Sweep Points.
Range: 1ms [1ms
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:LIST:DWELl <val>{,{val}}
:LIST:DWELl 30ms
Set the dwell time of the first point in list to 30 ms, and the
second point to 20 ms.
5) All List Ampl Offset
Functional Description:
This command sets the amplitude of each sweep point in current list. If users need to set different
offset for each list point, it is necessary to enter the corresponding offset value for each point in list,
i.e. the amplitude offset of list sweep points in turn, separated by commas. If the number of points
input by users are less than that of the current list points, the number of points where the list power
offset is not entered uses the current default.
Parameter specification:
<Val> Ampl Offset of List Sweep Points.
Range: 0dBm [-100dB
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:LIST:POWer <val>{,{val}}
Set List Ampl Offset to 1 dB, 0.2
dB, 1.3 dB, 2.5 dB, -3.6 dB in turn.
6) List Trig [Auto/Bus/Ext/Key]
Functional Description:
This command sets List Trig. It includes Auto, Bus, Ext and Key.
Parameter specification:
Discrete data. Step Trig is as follows:
Auto, the trigger signal is always true, when a sweep is completed, the system
automatically triggers the next sweep.
Bus, the trigger source is from GPIB group execute trigger, or triggered by
*TRG command.