Tel: 886.909 602 109 Email: [email protected]
Functional Description:
This command sets the state of RF Blank. When RF Blank is turned on, if the signal generator is
in spot frequency state, RF output signal will be turned off during frequency switching; if the signal
generator is in sweep state, RF output signal will be turned off during frequency band switching and
Parameter specification:
<State> Boolean data is as follows:
ON | 1: Blank is turned on,
OFF | 0: Blank is turned off.
Programmable command:
:OUTPut:BLANking[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0
:OUTPut:BLANking 1 Set the signal generator Blank to ON state.
4.2.3 Sweep Current Sweep Type
Functional Description:
Set Current Sweep Type of the signal generator.
Parameter specification:
<Mode> Discrete data, Current Sweep Type to be configured. The values are as follows:
FIXed|CW The setting of these two discrete parameters is the same in the signal generator in
meaning, that is, the controlled signal generator outputs CW (spot frequency) signal, which will
terminate the frequency sweep signal currently output by the instrument.
SWEep Current Sweep Type is set to Sweep mode. It is divided into Step Sweep and Ramp Sweep
in the software, Step Sweep by default.
LIST Current Sweep Type is set to List mode. If the current list is empty, the signal generator will
prompt the list is empty. The signal generator can start sweep only when there is at least one sweep
point in the list.
Programmable command:
:FREQuency:MODE LIST Set the signal generator to List Sweep mode. Step Sweep Config
1) Freq Start
Functional Description:
This command sets Freq Start of Step Sweep.
Parameter specification:
<StartFreq> Freq Start of sweep.
[100kHz - 3GHz]