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Functional Description:
Not supported
4.2.8 Tone Dual Tone/Multi Tone Modulation ON
Functional Description:
This command sets Multi Tone ON/OFF state of the signal generator. When Multi Tone is turned
on, the main information display area in user interface of the signal generator will display the
indication of IQ Modulate and Multi Tone.
Parameter specification:
Boolean data. Multi Tone ON/OFF state is as follows:
ON | 1: Multi Tone is turned on,
OFF | 0: Multi Tone is turned off.
Programmable command:
Turn on Multi Tone. Initial Phase ([Fixed]/[Random])
Functional Description:
This command initializes initial phase mode in multi tone modulation table, including: Random
and Fixed. In Fixed mode, the phase of all tones in multi tone table will be set to a Fixed value (0
degree); in Random mode, the phase of all tones in multi tone table will be set to different random
values based on random seed.
Parameter specification:
Discrete data. Initial phase mode in multi tone modulation table is as follows:
RANDom : Set all tones to random value,
FIXed : Set all tones to fixed value.
Programmable command:
Set the tone phase in multi tone table to a fixed value. Phase Rela ([Fixed]/[Random])
Functional Description:
This command sets Phase Rela, including: Random and Fixed.
Parameter specification:
Discrete data. Phase Rela is as follows:
RANDom : Phase Rela is Random,
FIXed : Phase Rela is Fixed.