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when ALC loop is turned on. Amplitude search will enable amplitude to stabilize the signal
generator on the output amplitude selected by users and keep the internal modulator in drive state
when ALC Loop is turned off.
Parameter specification:
<Mode> Discrete data. Auto amplitude search state is as follows:
OFF|0: This command terminates Auto mode, and Search Style is Manual.
ON|1: Amplitude is automatically searched with the change of RF output amplitude or frequency.
Search Style is then in Auto mode
ONCE Do Search once at current RF output frequency.
Programmable command:
Search Style is Auto.
3)Do Search
Functional Description:
Select Do Search.
4)Search Out [Normal/Min]
Functional Description:
Set Search Out to Normal or Min. Level Control
Functional Description:
This command allows users to select ALC Level Control for the signal generator as appropriate,
including INT, EXT and Source Module.
Parameter specification:
<State >
Discrete data. Level Control is as follows:
INTernal: Level Control is INT,
DIODe Level Control is EXT diode detector.
Programmable command:
Level Control is INT. ALC Band
1) ALC Band
Functional Description:
This command sets ALC (automatic leveling control) Band. The signal generator automatically
selects appropriate ALC Band in Auto mode; ALC Band is user setting in Manu mode.
Parameter specification:
<State> Boolean data is as follows: