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Source is Staggered.
Source is Sliding.
Programmable command:
:PULM:SOURce SQUare Set Source to Square. Width
Functional Description:
This command sets Width of pulse signal generated inside the signal generator. If the set pulse
width is greater than or equal to the current pulse period, the pulse width will be automatically
adjusted to be smaller than the current pulse period. Besides, if the set pulse width is less than 1 us,
it is recommended to execute power search function. When Source is Staggered, the pulse width in
stagger list is uniform. You also need to change the pulse width in parameter list by this command.
Parameter specification:
<PWidth> Pulse signal width.
Range: 50.000us [20ns
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:PULM:INTernal:PWIDth <val>
:PULM:INTernal:PWIDth 10us
Set the pulse signal width to 10 us. Period
Functional Description:
This command sets the period of pulse signal generated inside the signal generator. If the set
period is smaller than or equal to the current pulse width, the pulse width will be automatically
adjusted to be smaller than pulse period.
Parameter specification:
<Percent> Pulse period.
Range: 1.000000ms [40ns
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:PULM:INTernal:PERiod <value>
:PULM:INTernal:PERiod 10ms Pulse signal period is 10 ms. Delay
Functional Description:
This command sets the pulse delay of pulse modulation. The actual maximum pulse delay that
can be set depends on the pulse period currently set by users. Besides, it should be noted that pulse
delay setting works only when Source is Auto, Square, D-Pulse or Trig, and pulse delay has an
inherent delay of 100 ns in Trig mode.
Parameter specification: