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:FREQuency: MULTiplier 8Freq Mul of the signal generator is 8. Set LF Generator
This menu enables you to set LF generator of the signal generator. Click the menu to enter the
lower menu
1) LF Output ON/OFF
Functional Description:
This command sets LF Output ON/OFF of the signal generator
Parameter specification:
<State> Boolean data is as follows:
ON | 1: LF Output is turned on, and LF signal output is turned on accordingly.
OFF | 0: LF Output is turned off, and LF signal output is turned off accordingly.
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:LFOutput:STATe ON|OFF|1|0
:LFOutput:STATe OFF Turn off LF signal output.
2) LF
Functional Description:
This command sets LF output frequency. It should be noted that when LF Waveform is SweepSinc
or DualSinc, this command sets Freq Start of Sweep Sin or DualSinc Frequency1.
Parameter specification:
<Frequency> LF output signal frequency.
Range: 400Hz[0.01Hz
Freq Start of Sweep Sin
Range: 400Hz[0.01Hz,9.99999999MHz]. When 10 MHz is input, the software shows no error
prompt and Freq Start of Sweep Sin is automatically set to 9.99999999 MHz.
DualSinc Frequency1
Range: 400Hz[0.01Hz,10MHz].
Programmable command:
[:SOURce]:LFOutput:FREQuency <val>
:LFOutput:FREQuency 1MHz Set LF output signal frequency to 1 MHz.
3) LF Ampl
Functional Description:
This command sets the output signal amplitude of LF output BNC connector of the signal
Parameter specification: