6100-Gfast Multifunction Copper Tester Operation Manual
© 2020 Radiodetection Ltd
Noise Tests
The purpose of the noise tests is to perform VF / WB
(voice frequency / wideband) noise and level
Note: The 30 MHz Wideband Testing software option is
required for the WB tests to be available.
To access noise tests:
From the
Copper Main
pane, highlight
Noise Tests
and press
to open the menu.
11.1 Noise Tests Main Page
Noise Tests
menu allows you to select and run
the displayed tests:
VF Noise
Power Influence
VF Impulse Noise
WB PSD Noise
WB Impulse Noise
To start/stop a test:
1. Press the up/down left/right arrow keys on the
keypad to select the desired test icon.
2. Press
to confirm your selection.
3. The test will start automatically if the
Setup/Application Settings - Test Startup
is set to Auto. If not, press Start/Stop on
the keypad.