User Interface Manual
© Copyright 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved
05-4574A01, Rev. C
SDIDU™ product version 2 trap MIB file
The SNMP agent interface uses these MIB files to configure the system. SNMP Agent Parameters
The SNMP agent interface configurable parameters are described in the following
If the agent is configured in “v3 only” or “v1-v2-v3” mode, SNMPv3 “admin” user
can configure the SNMP users. There are 4 possible levels of users. User levels
are same as described in Section 2.2.
The SNMP agent does not support level based access if the agent is configured
as “v1 only” or “v2 only” mode. In the case of v1 and v2 modes of operation,
Level1 access is given to the read operation and Level4 access is given for the
write operation. Thus, in v1 and v2 modes of operation, the user has full access to
system configurations if a valid write community string is used. SNMP Mode
The SNMP agent can be configured to operate in any of the following modes:
v1 only
v2 only
v3 only
If the agent is configured to run as v1 only, v2 only or v3 only, then the user can
access the agent only using SNMP v1, v2 or v3 respectively.
If the agent is configured to operate in the v1-v2-v3 mode, then the user can
access the agent using SNMP v1, v2 or v3.
The SNMP agent is disabled by selecting the disable mode.
WEB and CLI interfaces can be used to configure the SNMP
parameters below. Change in any of the parameters below
reconfigures the agent
SNMP v1 and v2 provides a weak security by using the
community strings. The user can always configure the SNMP
agent to operate in “v3 only” mode, which uses authentication as
well as encryption for secure transaction.