© Copyright 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved
User Interface Manual
05-4574A01, Rev. C
3.3.48 CW Mode
User Access Level: Level 2
Figure 3-54. CW Mode Description
This screen allows the user to enable or disable CW mode (see Figure 3-54).
When set to CW mode, the modem generates a tone rather than a modulated
signal. This mode is used for non-operational purposes, such as calibration and
pointing. WEB Configuration
Select required mode (East/West) and press the “Enable” or “Disable” button. A
status message will be displayed to indicate success/failure. When CW mode is
enabled, the transmitter status in the “status panel” (Right side panel) will display
“CW Mode”. SNMP Configuration
1. Select a parameter from the MIB section
2. Use the SNMP GET command to get the value of the required parameter.
3. Use the SNMP SET command to set the value of the required parameter.
To copy & save the response messages
1. Click inside the text area.
2. Press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C.
3. Open notepad (or any text editor) and press Ctrl+V.
4. Save the file.