Installing the Management Edition Program
Management Edition
Specifying an installation directory
To install the VirusScan program in a particular directory, do not edit the
SETUP.ISS file you created when you installed the VirusScan program on your
administrative computer or server. Instead, in the Add/Remove Components
dialog box, click the text of the pathname shown in the
Install Directory
and enter the pathname to a different installation directory. The installation
directory you specify here will override the settings in SETUP.ISS and the
default installation directory on each target system.
See “Installing anti-virus
components to different directories” on page 261
to learn more about changing
default installation directories.
Running a silent installation
Once you have a SETUP.ISS file that lists all of the components and settings
you want each workstation on your network to have, you can replicate these
settings exactly for every copy of the VirusScan program that you install.
“Recording your preferences” on page 50
to learn how to create the SETUP.ISS
You can run a silent installation in a variety of ways, and with different levels
of interaction with network users. You can, for example, create a script for
your users that runs a silent installation of the VirusScan program as soon as
they connect to an authentication server, with no further interaction beyond
that needed to log in. You can also ask your users to run the installation from
a designated server. Still other options include deploying the VirusScan
program through a network management application such as the
Management Edition program or the Zero Administration Client (ZAC)
program from Network Associates, System Management Server (SMS) from
Microsoft, or similar packages.
Whichever method you choose, you must first prepare the VirusScan package
for installation, then run Setup in its silent mode.
Follow these steps:
1. Copy the VirusScan installation files from the VirusScan CD-ROM disc
or the folder on your administrative computer in which your store them
to a VirusScan directory on a central server. Your users or your network
management application will install the VirusScan program from this
2. Locate the SETUP.ISS file stored in the VirusScan directory on the central
server. Rename or delete this file.