Using Mirror and Linked Repositories
Management Edition
Depending on which machines you have configured to use the
NetWare-based mirror repository, the client login information may be
used by Windows-based clients, other NetWare servers, or both during
their upgrade. Windows 3
clients will automatically login to the
NetWare server that holds the repository they have been configured to
use, if they do not already have a connection to it.
If they are already connected to the server holding the repository, the
user ID they used to login will be used; the client login information
specified in the Repository Configuration
dialog box is ignored. In this
situation, ensure that all your users have both Read and File-scan (RF)
access to the \REPO directory and full access (RWCEMFA) to the
\UPGRADES directory.
Follow these steps to configure a mirror repository on a NetWare server:
1. In mixed environments (NetWare 3
, NetWare 4
and Windows-based
clients), Network Associates strongly recommends that you place your
repository on NetWare 3 servers for ease of maintenance.
2. If you need a NetWare 3
server to update its software from a
NetWare 4
server, set a bindery context on the NetWare 4
server by
placing the following command line in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file:
To be able to set the bindery context, the NetWare 4
server must have a
read/write replica of the NDS partition that contains this bindery
3. If you have a mixed 3
NetWare environment, you can add replicas
using the Novell NDS manager.
Note that if there are already three servers in the environment with NDS
partitions, new servers are not installed by default with a replica.
Workstations updating from a NetWare 4
-hosted repository log in
using bindery emulation, so the specified user IDs must be in the bindery
context of that server. NetWare 4
servers can perform a full NDS login.
4. If the only machines you want to update from a NetWare 4
repository are other NetWare 4
servers, then you can specify a full NDS
name that need not be in the bindery context.
For details about access rights and user IDs, see
“Granting access rights”
on page 229
5. In the Management Console’s main menu, click
, and then click