Using the Alert Manager
Management Edition
Sending an alert to a pager
Alert Manager can send the alert messages that your anti-virus software
generates to a recipient’s pager, provided that you have a modem and
telephone line connected to the machine running Alert Manager. Alert
Manager supports both alphanumeric pagers and pagers that receive only
numeric messages. Depending on how your recipient’s paging service
operates, you might need to write a custom script to dial and select the correct
menu options before Alert Manager can deliver its message.
Follow these steps to send an alert to a pager:
1. Open the Alert Manager Properties dialog box.
2. Click the Pager tab. The Pager page appears, with a list of the pager
numbers to which you want to send alert messages (
Figure 6-10
). If you
have not yet chosen any pager numbers, this list is blank.
Figure 6-10. Alert Manager Properties dialog box
(Pager page)
3. You can update this list in one of the following ways:
To remove a listed pager number, select one of the pager numbers
in the list, then click