Management Edition
linked repository
linked repository
is a remote copy of another repository,
or database of files for distribution. Updates to this
repository (the child) are copied from another
repository (the parent). The parent repository can be a
master repository or a mirror repository, or even
another child repository; therefore, you can have
multiple levels of repositories.
If you have two anti-virus domains separated by a WAN
link, or one domain spread over multiple sites, copying
new anti-virus files to each member machine over the
WAN link can be slow and expensive. By copying the
new files from the master repository to a mirror
repository on a remote site, you only copy the new files
across the WAN link once. Then when the member
machines on the remote site update themselves, they
access their local linked or mirror repository, without
using the WAN link.
There are no restrictions to the number of linked
repositories. One domain may use multiple linked and
mirror repositories. This is most likely when a domain
spans multiple sites via WAN links.
Management Agent
One of the Management components, the
helps you manage the member machines. It is
installed automatically on the Management Server and
on all the machines in the anti-virus domain when you
apply a configuration. The Management Agent receives
an instruction from the Scheduler to start an on-demand
scan, and sends virus alerts from on-demand and
on-access scans back to the Management Server.
Management components
Management components
are the Management Agent,
Scheduler, Response Manager, Update Agent, and
Update Manager.